DIY Bear Decoration for kids room

Craft Day, Home Decor, Project Gallery / Saturday, August 22nd, 2020

I was needing a little something to finish the space above my son’s bed. Not wanting to go to the store or spend any money I made this cute little DIY bear decoration from some scrap fabric. This is a simple and easy craft, anyone can do in just a short amount of time.

DIY bear decoration


  1. Scrap canvas or drop cloth
  2. Wood dowel
  3. Felt
  4. Hot glue gun
  5. String
  6. Freezer paper (optional)
  7. Design print out (I found a silhouette of a bear online)

I used a scrap of canvas drop cloth but I think you could use any scrap fabric you have laying around. I like drop cloths for their neutral color, texture and affordability. Cut fabric a little bigger than you want the end size to be. Run over it with an iron to work out any wrinkles.

drop cloth scrap

Next, fold over the edges and hot glue in place. (another option would be to sew the edges)

hot glue canvas

Along the top and the bottom, roll the canvas over a small wood dowel and secure with hot glue. Tie a string on each end of the top dowel to hang.

canvas wall hanging

For the felt design I printed out a silhouette of a bear on copy paper, then traced that onto freezer paper. Using freezer paper is a trick I learned several years ago to cut out felt designs/patterns easier. Transfer your design onto freezer paper then use an iron to press the freezer paper (slick side down) onto the felt. There is just enough tackiness to hold the paper in place while you cut out the design.

bear pattern on felt
DIY bear decoration

After cutting around the bear, just peel the freezer paper off and it’s ready to hot glue onto the canvas.

DIY bear decoration

Done! Easy DIY bear decoration!

This project took less than an hour and only used supplies I had on hand! This was one of many smaller projects I did while working on the twins room refresh, which you can check out in this post.

This DIY bear decoration would be super cute in a nursery too. It would also be a fun group craft to do with some ladies. The bear silhouette could be swapped out for other designs: monograms, Christmassy stuff, words, etc.

Have a wonderful day!


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